HT Kim. A New Conceptual Approach for Voice Feminization: 12 Years of Experience. Laryngoscope. 2017;127(5):1102-1108.
HT Kim. New surgical technique for mucosal bridge of vocal fold : sandwich mucosal flap laryngoplasty. Presented at the The Voice Foundation’s 38th Annunal Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, 2009, Philadelphia, USA.
HT Kim, HJ Auo, DS Park. The clinical result of transcutaneous injection laryngoplasty with calcium hydroxyapatite(CaHA) in the vocal fold paralysis. Presented at the 81th Korean Otoalaryngology Congress, 2007, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, HJ Auo, DS Park. Physiological diagnostic characteristics of high-speed digital videoendoscopy in voice disorders. Presented at the 80th Krean Otolaryngology Congress, 2006, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, HJ Auo, DS Park. The long-term results of Transcutaneous injection laryangoplasty in scarred vocal fold. Presented at the 80th Krean Otolaryngology Congress, 2006, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim. Vocal fold shortening c/s vocalis muscle dissection : A new technique of voice feminization surgery. Presented at the 79th Korean Otolaryngology Congress, 2005, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim. The clinical feasibility of multi-laryngeal muscle botox injection for spasmodic dysphnoia. Presented at the 78th Korean Otolaryngology Congress, 2004, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim. Differential brainstem activation after layrngeal inflammation and mechanical injury and its comparison with physiological laryngeal afferent stimulation. Presented at the 78th Korean Otolaryngology Congress, 2004, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, SH Cho, MS Kim, YH Park. Transcutaneous EMG-guided injection laryngeal augmentation in treatment of glottic insufficiency; Role of new technique and long term results. Presented at the Voice Foundation’s 32th annual symposium: Care of the professional voice. 2003, Philadelphia, USA.
HT Kim. Voice Disorder and treatment. Presented at the Symposium of 1st World voice day, 2003, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim, JH Yum, SH Cho, MS Kim, KJ Cho, YH Park, KH Park, CI Bang. Long-term outcome of the voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Presented at the 10th Korean combined Otolaryngology Congress, 2002, Seoul, Korea
MS Kim, KJ Cho, DI Sun, HT Kim, SH Cho. Etiological analysis of recurrence and operative failure after supracricoid laryngectomy. Presented at the 9th Korean combined Otolaryngology Congress, 2002, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim. Pathophysiology of vocal nodule and polyp. Presented at the 9th Korean combined Otolaryngology Congress, 2002, Seoul, Korea.
HT Kim. Phonomicrosrugery; vocal polyp, Reinke’s edema, vocal cyst. Presented at the 17th Korean Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 2002, Seoul, Korea.